Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Is it wrong to want to live in an orange and black colored world?

I am not a blogger. Hats off to those who are because it takes time, dedication and something to write about to make a successful go at it. For me, it's just a way to express the randomness of what my brain likes to trip over. Mostly, I wanted to blog about my adventures with food, just like about every other amateur home chef. I lack dedication to this craft of writing for certain. Not for a lack of wanting mind you, just a lack of motivation.

No one really cares what I, this one individual among 7 billion on this big planet, has to say about...well anything really. I think I have hit my Social Media rut. I have lost interest in my personal Facebook page. My timeline cluttered with people bragging about how great their lives are, vacations, endless food porn, social justice activism, animal abuse activism and political strife that I am finding to be extremely tiring and depressing.

People in this country at least half of them, have lost their damn minds. I am tired of having to bite my tongue and not post things that would possibly piss others off. Why should I care? I don't know, but I do. So I have completely cut myself off from doing any kind of activity on Facebook except for passively reading when the impulse ignites. I then feel dirty, shameful that I again have bought into the drivel that has driven me away.

I have taken up to watching a lot of Periscope live streams. I find the vitality of the live stream of the here and now so much more interesting and the topics so much more intriguing. Well, with the exception of all the hoo ha ladies in their skivvies putting on makeup, or all the Tony Robinson wannabes that think they have all the answers to your Social Media marketing woes.

I am just an average person, ok, well....average is a stretch, I will admit that. I am a true dork, I like dorky and geeky things. I like things that make me think, that make me want to affect positive change in life, but Facebook is sucking all that life out of me, and it may be for you too.

In all honesty, I don't ever expect one single person to read this entry, or to even identify with what I am saying. This is my outlet, to get all of it off my chest. I feel the world is just about to crumble around us, with the climate change (that DOES freaking exist you knobheadded dillytwackers!), with all the unrest domestically #blacklivesmatter and abroad. There are many days that I just wish I could escape. Escape to my happy place which happens to be colored Orange and Black. Is it bad that I want to live in an Orange and Black Halloween world?

My head has been swimming with so much lately, from how the hell we can be so divided, to why we are poisoning our planet to why rich greedy conservative CEO's hate America and women so much? This society we have built is coming apart at the seams and everyone is too fucking busy pointing fingers at one another instead of seeing the real problems and trying to come up with REAL solutions. I am just tired, tired of all the drama, tired of all the name calling (libtards, etc. Yes, I know I just contradicted myself as I did call climate change deniers knobheaded dillytwackers, but at least I can ADMIT when I am being hypocritical) tired of the political corruption, tired of rich white men thinking they can control everything with their capital wealth. I am tired of the media sensationalizing shit that shouldn't ever matter to anyone (Kardashians/Jenner), I am tired of hearing about the same talking points from the right and the left. I am just damn tired of working hard only to be broke all the time. I am tired of all the damn asshats I have to share the freeway with everyday. I am tired of cultures claiming excuses for not wanting to be a contributing part of society yet expect entitlements. I am tired of political correctness and people pussy footing around truths. I am tired of having to give a shit about others when no one seems to reciprocate. I am tired of office politics and people who are in charge who shouldn't be.

All I want anymore is to live in my little fantasy orange and black halloween world where I feel most at home and comforted. I understand why Jon Stewart left, you just get to a point where society has broken you. At least he can go off to his farm and live a quality of life many of us will never achieve. Those of us who are part of this fucked up rat race are trapped in our maze of depression with the delusion that something better is waiting for you, if you work hard enough for it. Fuck that, I've been working hard all my life and only seem to be able to scrape the bottom of the shit barrel. I just want to hide away from everything and everyone, hunker down with those that REALLY do care and mean the world to me and just watch the world die through my orange and black colored glasses.